Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sunday Night Supper Club: Mexico

Mexican Domestic Partner Cookies by Ellen

Ceviche by Kurt. 

Taquitos:  I cut 2 pounds pork shoulder into cubes.  Cooked it in the pressure cooker with 1 cup of water for 15 minutes.  Let cool on it's own.  I then added ancho chili paste (from the Month of Mexico) and cooked it over low heat until the raw flavor was gone.  Roll into steamed tortillas.  Rub with olive oil.  Bake in 350 degree oven until crispy.  Served with mayo mixed with diced chipotles in adobo.

Kurt's chicken wings in mole.  I really wish I had this recipe.  It was so good!

Ceviche.  I'm sorry to say I don't remember who brought this...this was Jennifer's

Black Beans

Rainbow Trout by Mary Beth and Pete. 

Mary Beth and Pete's corn

This time we gathered at Mary Beth and Pete's for a night of Mexican food.  Once again I failed on getting the recipes.  Please post your recipes on our website...Also not pictured, because they came later and I was well into the margaritas - Dri's carnitas and tres leches and Pam's homemade tortillas.

1 comment:

  1. Mary Beth and Pete's recipe. They substituted rainbow trout for Salmon:

    Baked Salmon with Mexican Seasonings Recipe - CooksRecipes.com
