Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Preparing for France

I know we are not finished with Iran until Friday, but I am really looking forward to starting France!  Send recipes if you have a favorite!


  1. Ohhh, I wish I were there with you for France and the Tour!
    The first recipe (only one?) I learned during our semester at Montpellier:
    Brown a cut up chicken in olive oil with a couple of shallots. Add mushrooms and brown. Add olives, a couple of tomatoes, bay leaf, thyme, white wine. Simmer until chicken is done. Now I know to add a 1/4 cup brandy before the wine and flame, but I didn't know that then.

  2. Jill, it worked! I posted a comment!

  3. I'm very excited! I wish you were here too. I will try your recipe, it sounds right up my alley.
