Saturday, June 4, 2011

Our two week break

We haven't done a lot of cooking during our two week break.  Went to a couple of bar-b-ques over the holiday.  We made tortilla espanola for each of those parties.  It might be my new favorite "bring a side dish".  We are planning to cook our favorites for Sanford's parents.  Looking back, I realized that I didn't add all the recipes that we made.  I've added some, and will try to add more.  The problem is that a lot of the recipes came from the library, but I don't know which books!  Also, I realized that I would like to repeat Mexico.  There were a lot of recipes that I never tried.  I feel like we mastered the tortilla and made a delicious chorizo, but didn't even try tortilla soup, which is one of my favorites!  I'm happy with our pasta making from Italy, but feel like we barely scratched the surface.  The piece of meat is still hanging in my basement.  No bugs and no drippings, which I feel is a good sign.  We will weigh it next week to see if it ready.  I'm a little nervous about this, but the hospital is right down the street.  The kids really want another Korean meal.  I'm not as excited.  I posted very few Ethiopian recipes, so I'll have to go to the library.  Jack wants the stewed cabbage.  We have one package of teff left, so I should get that started.  Then back to Spain.  I am very excited to make the paella again, but I loved almost everything we cooked.  Now that tomatoes are abundant at the market and I'm starting to see cucumbers and peppers, I will try to make the gazpacho.  It seemed wrong to make it before the tomatoes were ready!  The chicken fricassee was another of my favorites. 

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